Commute | The Podcast
with Jay Sisson
Introduce yourself.
Dave and I (Jay) started Commute the Podcast over a year ago with the intention of bringing interesting ideas to like minded people in a package that listeners wouldn't have to commit a great deal of time to listening through. The average commute is around 20 minutes, so our shows are specifically tailored to be that long. Ultimately, the show is meant to teach you interesting things on the go, in your normal life, so that you can open up interesting conversations with those around you. We always found ourselves talking about things we thought were interesting, and it only felt natural to take another step and record these conversations with some extra research to bring others in on the conversation.

"You'll be smarter when you get there."

- Jay Sisson

Share an experience that has shaped who you are today.
Dave works in marketing and I work in education so naturally, we're both very people-oriented people. As an educator, I love information and I love telling people information that I find interesting or intriguing. Naturally, the podcast is sort of an extension of that. Over the years in teaching, I've seen how interesting information can really connect people. We both love conversations, but really conversations that you learn from. Commute makes sense when you connect these factors, we're making the show ultimately because we both love watching ideas unite people together in conversation.
Tell us about your podcast audience.
Our audience shares our love for good conversations around fascinating ideas. We want our audiences to feel like they have a seat at the table with us, engaging in the conversation and ultimately, we want our audience to learn something they can share with someone else. I think our show resonates with people because of the commitment to the format, the time we put into really choosing topics we're passionate about, and the personality we try to bring to every episode we record. We've always both seen this show as a creative outlet, not a career path, not a way to make money.
What makes your podcast unique?
Our audience shares our love for good conversations around fascinating ideas. We want our audiences to feel like they have a seat at the table with us, engaging in the conversation and ultimately, we want our audience to learn something they can share with someone else. I think our show resonates with people because of the commitment to the format, the time we put into really choosing topics we're passionate about, and the personality we try to bring to every episode we record. We've always both seen this show as a creative outlet, not a career path, not a way to make money.

Vinnie Potestivo, Editor-in-Chief of
I Have A Podcast®

Vinnie Potestivo,
Editor-in-Chief of I Have A Podcast®

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