Paranormal Peeps Podcast
with Josh Raymond
Introduce yourself.
We are a paranormal research team, who have a love for all things paranormal. We talk about our paranormal adventures, discuss locations that we have visited, evidence that we have gathered, and lots of other paranormal topics that we find interesting or intriguing. Up until a few years ago one of our hosts, Josh, was scared of the paranormal. Jamey, Josh's wife, has been into the paranormal from a young age, and even got Josh to go on his first paranormal investigation. Aleca has been able to sense spirits from a young age. The three of us bring different and unique perspectives to the topics and how we investigate each location.

"Thanks to my wife, I was able to face my fear of the paranormal, and find a new love."

- Josh Raymond

Share an experience that has shaped who you are today.
For the longest time I was scared of the paranormal, I had several experiences that terrified me of such experiences. When I was five or six years old, I was allowed to watch both The Shining and Poltergeist. These movies scared the crap out of me. I also grew up Catholic, and during one of our first communion classes, the teacher told all of us that there were evil spirits in the world, and that if you ever came across one you would die. So needless to day growing up these experiences shaped my view of the paranormal. I had several small paranormal instances growing up in my teens and twenties. Usually experiences of fear and dread where there shouldn't be, and it probably didn't help that I was scared of the dark. My wife got me to go on our first paranormal to Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville, KY, mainly because we were going to be meeting some of the celebrities from the paranormal tv shows. After spending the night investigating in the dark, I realized that paranormal investigations were not as scary as I thought them to be. From that night one, I have been hooked on paranormal investigating, and started a team with my wife.
Tell us about your podcast audience.
Our audience is made up of primarily those that enjoy the paranormal either as investigators themselves or as people who like to hear the stories, but never would want to go on an investigation themselves. They come back because they like how we discuss the topics with giving information and history, but also have a little humor, because after all sometimes you just need to laugh a little.
What makes your podcast unique?
Our podcast is unique because all of the hosts are first and foremost friends, and then paranormal investigators. We enjoy bringing the tales and the stories of the paranormal to our listeners. We talk about ghosts, cryptids, legends, monsters, and a little true crime just to throw in a curve ball.

Vinnie Potestivo, Editor-in-Chief of
I Have A Podcast®

Vinnie Potestivo,
Editor-in-Chief of I Have A Podcast®

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