Queer We Are

by Brad Shreve
"Every day is an opportunity to rise up and say 'Do over!"
Introduce yourself.

After three years interviewing authors, which being an author myself I loved, I wanted more diverse guests to talk with.

Based on my personal life experience, I chose to have stories told by successful LGBTQ entertainers, athletes, politicians, everyday people, and more.

Each guest defines their personal definition of success, the obstacles they overcame, and what they learned which they can share with the listener. My listenrs are 66% male. Ages run 25 – 45.

My listeners are seeking motivation to make the changes in their lives they feel are necessary, though anyone looking for entertainment through interesting conversation will find it equally enjoyable.

Share an experience that has shaped who you are today.

I overcame much adversity in my life and had to redefine my dreams and goals with each step, which is what I hope to convey to my listeners. Having considered at times being a minister or therapist, I use my podcast to share my experience with the listener either through the words of my guests or myself.

My personal experiences include: Raised in abusive home Coming out at 35 years old Living with a partner who was both physically and mentally abusive.

Drugs and alcohol taking me straight from executive to homeless Recovery Overcome with bipolar disorder I had lived with my entire life (the day I was diagnosed is the greatest day in my life) Today I bask in the perfection of my imperfect life.

Tell us about your podcast audience.

My audience is loyal and keeps me informed of what they enjoy. They are seeking positive stories. While some have expressed they enjoy the stereotypical LGBTQ podcasts about sex and pop culture, they appreciate having an alternative.

What keeps them coming back is the host: Me. I say this with confidence because each time I’m told what a great guest I had, “you ask such good questions” is almost always added on.

What makes your podcast unique?

It’s important to me to be equally inspirational/motivational and entertaining. Rather than a definition of success society places on us, I ask each guest to define it for themselves.

We then tour their life and how they overcame obstacles and reached where they are. Guests are from all letters in the LGBTQ categories, and have diverse backgrounds, but all agree they have achieved success in some form of their lives.

Vinnie Potestivo, Editor-in-Chief of
I Have A Podcast®

Vinnie Potestivo,
Editor-in-Chief of I Have A Podcast®

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