Space Castle
with D.T. Carel
Introduce yourself.
I'm D.T., and the co-host/founder of Space Castle - your clubhouse for all things nerdy! I'm a career graphic designer and video editor who went to film school, decided moving to California and fighting for a career in the cutthroat film industry wasn't for me, and I dove into graphic design to make a living. During the COVID pandemic, I fell in love with the podcasting world and all the wonderful people putting good energy and creativity into the world, and decided to start one of my own with two of my closest friends.
Together, we share a love and excitement for movies, books, games and pop culture in general, and our mission is to get people as excited about all these nerdy things as we are! And make you laugh along the way!
Space Castle

"Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing."

-D.T. Carel

Share an experience that has shaped who you are today.
I'm where I am today because of my father. He's the best man I know, and I inherited my drive to create and my love of nerdy media from him. I lost my mother when I was 18, and despite the fact that my dad and I lived in the same house, it wasn't until that event occurred that we realized we really didn't know each other very well. I discovered that my dad is a fantastic person beyond being a great dad, and he's supported me through everything: my going to film school and subsequent decision not to pursue it as a career, my struggles to make it as a full time graphic designer with no formal training, all the way up to deciding to create a podcast and marry my various passions and skills together -- it was his idea that I should start one, and I'm so glad he pushed me towards it.
Tell us about your podcast audience.
Our audience is unique because they're like us: they're funny, caring, intelligent people who also crave learning and enjoying new things, and they're absorbed in the world of pop culture and media. They're hilarious, and make us laugh just as much as we hopefully make them laugh. The enthusiasm, warmth and response we've gotten from people who listen to our show has been incredible.
What makes your podcast unique?
Space Castle is unique in that we not only try to inform our audience and share our opinions on each weekly subject, we also try to make you laugh along the way. Where most podcasts are either dedicated to being informative and matter-of-fact, or telling their own funny stories and jokes, we combine the two in an effort to entertain our listeners and also get them excited about something new each week! We pride ourselves on each episode being an open-ended discussion with our audience, rather than something to be listened to and moved on from each Wednesday. We're also a multimedia experience! Our podcast includes a Youtube channel with a hilarious movie series called REEL DRUNK, where we create drinking games for classic movies, play those games for our audience, then try and review the movie afterwards. Our Youtube also includes shorts, animated clips and more!

Vinnie Potestivo, Editor-in-Chief of
I Have A Podcast®

Vinnie Potestivo,
Editor-in-Chief of I Have A Podcast®

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