
A Little LESS FEAR Podcast

with Lino Martinez

Introduce yourself.

I am fully engaged and enthusiastic about the Podcast I created. I am also a writer and my book just came out this December. What makes me unique is a variety of things; First off, I am a doctor in Clinical Psychology and because of a rare genetic disease called Muckle Wells Syndrome, I became unable to be a psychologist after I graduated 12 years ago. The genetic disease became so advanced that it's taken over 40 surgeries in just 12 years, to maintain my life and keep me stable. The disease can cause paralysis and I lost my ability to pee when I was 26 years old. By 33 years old, I lost my urethra, my urinary bladder, my appendix and 30 inches of my small intestine. I also have a feeding tube since the disease was affecting the way I swallow food and liquids.

I also realized at the peak of this disease, that I am transgender. I was born female and decided to transition into my true self because I felt that if the disease was going to take my life, I wanted to die in the right body. After losing my voice for 2 years, I went to sign school to learn Sign Language, became passionate about the Deaf community, and I started to become aligned with my higher self. After following my heart to transition, and becoming more spiritual, I made a vow to my higher self that if I got my voice back, I would use it to motivate the world and help raise the vibration of humanity to LOVE. Now I am a 42-year-old fully transitioned gay trans man, and I am in love with the community I have created. My podcast is going strong and I am motivated and inspired every day to continue this journey to help as many people as possible by being a voice for them, with them I used to think that being a quintuple minority was burdensome, but now I see it as a blessing because the more I am a minority, the more I connect with the world. My identities include Latino, Transman, Gay, Disabled, and Hard of Hearing. Now in my life, I am finally thriving. I have the body I always dreamed of, the disease is in a remission state, I eat all organic all high vibrating foods, I have mastered getting rid of bad habits, I exercise 5 times a week, mediate every day and keep vibrating high to better serve humanity.

"Accept, Forgive, and Let go"

- Lino Martinez

Share an experience that has shaped who you are today.

I was the first student speaker at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles Campus, when I graduated with my doctorate. It was not easy completing a dissertation (book), while enduring so many surgeries, but with support I gained the momentum to complete my education. I would love to go back and speak again, but this time now as a man, in the right body. This experience has helped me see that people listen to my voice and I need to keep using it to inspire. As a teen I was also a professional mariachi singer. It was the best feeling being on stage and flowing with my highest self. Singing has given me the opportunity to stay in harmony with my inner being and share my talent, my love with the world.

Tell us about your podcast audience.

My audience ranges from ages 14 to 75 years old. I cover such a wide range of topics that keeps people coming back because they feel like they gain something. If all they gain is a sentence or two of enlightenment in an episode, then I have aligned with my life's purpose, and I can continue on the tracks of this train. Listeners and watchers expect to learn something at the end of each episode. I often have people tell me, "Wow, that opened my eyes!"

What makes your podcast unique?

My podcast, A Little LESS FEAR Podcast, got its title from by book title also called A Little LESS FEAR. The podcast came while I was writing my book. The title came from realizing that fear is what stops many people and with just a little less fear, more room for love can help flourish lives. I use my podcast to motivate and inspire people. I understood that in order for people to be raw, real and honest, I needed to be raw, real and honest. My very first episode, 101 episodes ago, is titled, I Am Transgender. I had a gut feeling that if I told the truth right up front about my challenges, that interviewing people in all walks of life would come easier. I have interviewed people that are trans parents, people with disabiltiies, authors, doctors, spiritual healers and even psychics. I just started a once-a-month episode with a professional psychic, Stopher Cavins, and will be doing live readings with oracle cards monthly. It has been an honor to connenct with spirit to better serve people's needs especially those suffering for answers.

Vinnie Potestivo, Editor-in-Chief of
I Have A Podcast®

Vinnie Potestivo,
Editor-in-Chief of I Have A Podcast®

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