A Little Bit of Everything With Me!
with Angelica Vallecillo Goncalves
Introduce yourself.
I am adult with a learning disability that was as a young kid I wouldn’t be successful. It took a long time to accept this learning disability, in 2017 I decided to say okay I have this gift I have accomplished so much let’s help others. I started the podcast as a way to build confidence and share my story to others and just do a little bit of everything. The podcast took off in 2019, It was a slow start as usual but I never gave up. I noticed how much confidence I built and when I interviewed people I found my passion and joy. I started to volunteer for the learning disabilities association to share my story and in hopes to become a speaker. I wanted to share that anything is possible with living life with a learning disability.

The podcast grew and the guest request came knocking on my door. Hard work pays off, you need to be passionate and focus on the community you want to build. I love mentoring people and continue to share my story and helps others start their podcast. Podcasting isn’t easy but when your passionate and have an end goal you can accomplish anything. Since 2019 I have interviewed over 200 guests, 100k downloads, published over 700 episodes, Available on 20 plus podcast platforms, won three awards (latin podcast award for 2020 and 2021, and Etobicoke Community Award 2021). I have so much more to accomplish, as I take on a new role as a new mom there been challenges balancing my career, small business, podcast and family. But when your ambitious you do what you got to do.

"go on take that risk, so you don’t have any regrets and you’ll be surprised what you can accomplish"
- Angelica Vallecillo Goncalves
Share an experience that has shaped who you are today.
Taking the risk of starting the podcast was no brainer. It’s very low cost but time consuming. I am a one woman show, I edit, interview, market, graphic design and etc. I do it all. It’s not easy, but I enjoy every moment and step. I always had support my family.
I appreciate the guests who tell how much of a great job I am doing. There are moments where you want to give up because it can be overwhelming but again having such goals I alway said I can do this and hard work will pay off. Seeing the stats about podcaster giving up after 6 episodes is better heart breaking. A lot of people who start really invest in a lot of money. Being consistent helps to stay on track and learning how to take a break is very important. I put in a lot of hours after my work I have even forgotten the people in my bubble and ones closet to me. I was determine to reach to the top and learning everything and the ins and outs of the hard reality of podcasting I still am passionate about this hobby. This hobby gave me the happiness that I was missing.
I have PCOS and I was told I couldn’t have a child. I worked with a naturopath to help me with situation and she told me to find a hobby that will make me happy. I started the podcast for that too, after two years of seeing a naturopath and working on my hobby and fulfilling my happiness with podcast I had a baby! I share my story with others and my journey. Podcasting has lead me to so many opportunities and I do encourage to do it too!
I appreciate the guests who tell how much of a great job I am doing. There are moments where you want to give up because it can be overwhelming but again having such goals I alway said I can do this and hard work will pay off. Seeing the stats about podcaster giving up after 6 episodes is better heart breaking. A lot of people who start really invest in a lot of money. Being consistent helps to stay on track and learning how to take a break is very important. I put in a lot of hours after my work I have even forgotten the people in my bubble and ones closet to me. I was determine to reach to the top and learning everything and the ins and outs of the hard reality of podcasting I still am passionate about this hobby. This hobby gave me the happiness that I was missing.
I have PCOS and I was told I couldn’t have a child. I worked with a naturopath to help me with situation and she told me to find a hobby that will make me happy. I started the podcast for that too, after two years of seeing a naturopath and working on my hobby and fulfilling my happiness with podcast I had a baby! I share my story with others and my journey. Podcasting has lead me to so many opportunities and I do encourage to do it too!
Tell us about your podcast audience.
My audience is pretty crazy i have listeners as young as 18 and as old as 65, listened in over 130 countries. People love the variety every week, people email me to say wow how do you do it, I love the amount of content you have and it keeps them coming back for more!

What makes your podcast unique?
Just a little bit of everything, reality tv talk, guest interviews, shower or karaoke and more
Ep. 937 – THANK YOU!
I am back shortly to say a huge thank you for all of your for love and support. This is the 4th time in a row winning Platinum for the Etobicoke Community Votes.Â
LDAYS – Plugged In
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Link in Bio!
Website: anchor.fm/everythingwithange
Clubhouse: @angelicavg
Facebook: @alittlebitofeverythingwithmeÂ
Instagram: @alittlebitofeverythingwithme
Merch Line IG: @avgest2020
Website: www.everythingwithange.com
Buy me a Coffee: Ko-fi.com/everythingwithange

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Vinnie Potestivo, Editor-in-Chief of
I Have A Podcast®