Your Message Received by John Duffin

Mantra for the show… to help (you) find your best, most true, authentic (business) voice. Get what you want, find what you need, improve your results…

My experience of 30 + years of Broadcast Ad Sales and Executive Management, combined with over 3 years of voice narration experience and executive coaching,

The Believe Big Podcast by Ivelisse Page

Believe Big Podcast is a weekly podcast developed to help you find answers about integrative cancer treatments and prevention.

Ivelisse Page is the Executive Director and Co-Founder of Believe Big which helps cancer patients face, fight, and overcome cancer.

Diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer she overcame the odds without the use of chemotherapy and remains cancer-free today.

Grow My Podcast Show by Deirdre Tshien

Grow My Podcast Show was created by the CEO & co-founder of Capsho – the fastest way to market and grow a podcast.

It was created for podcasting entrepreneurs – coaches, consultants and service providers – who created their own podcast in order to find and amplify their message, build their audience and ultimately their income.

When I was working in Corporate, I was passed over for a promotion I thought I was a shoo-in for.

624 Pod by Thomas Baldinger

The 624 Podcast by Thomas Baldinger will be about the process of making independent films, specifically in New Jersey.

We will also be talking about how the independent filmmakers are being affected by the current strike of the WGA and SAG.

We will also be talking about the positive and negatives of film festivals. What to do and what not to do during the process of independent filmmaking.

The Fallible Man Podcast by David Dowlen

We approach our audience with honesty, transparency and vulnerability. I am a fairly “masculine” man in my appearance but there is not chest beating, grunting or stomping about.

I am the first to admit that I haven’t gotten it all figured out and that I am not perfect; that I am a work in progress on a journey. It creates hope that you can do better. Men can connect with that because we no one wants to talk to mister perfect, he is un-relatable.

Popcorn Podcast with Leigh and Tim by Leigh Livingstone

Popcorn Podcast celebrates cinema with entertainment journalist Leigh Livingstone and movie expert Tim Iffland. In bite-sized salty episodes, Popcorn Podcast reviews the newest film releases and interviews the biggest stars, while also bringing movie lovers big giveaways, the latest trailers and exciting news.

Gratitude Geek by Kandas Rodarte

Kandas began her entrepreneurial journey in 1988 when she joined her first network marketing company. Since then, she has continued to rise in the ranks and currently holds a position in the Top 200 of her current company. Her passion lies in helping solopreneurs get shit done. She helps them achieve their business goals, create executable marketing plans, and build genuine relationships with their clients, vendors, and colleagues.